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  1. Ates, G.C. and Gorguluarslan, R.M., (2024) Convolutional encoder–decoder network using transfer learning for topology optimization. Neural Computing and Applications, 36(8), 4435-4450. [pdf]

  2. Demir, G., Gorguluarslan, R.M. and Çelebioğlu, S.A., (2024) Design of the ONERA M6 wing by shape optimization under uncertainty (ONERA M6 kanadının belirsizlik altında şekil optimizasyonu ile tasarımı) Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University 39(2), 771-784. [pdf]

  3. Paygozar, B. and Gorguluarslan, R.M., (2023) Improving the energy absorption capacity of bending-dominated additively manufactured polylactic acid (PLA) lattices, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 31(26), 8397-8416, [pdf]

  4. Demir, G., Gorguluarslan, R.M., and Aradag, S., (2023) Robust shape optimization under model uncertainty of an aircraft wing using proper orthogonal decomposition and inductive design exploration method. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 66(4), 93, [pdf]

  5. Gorguluarslan, R.M. and Ozay, A.I., (2023) Fatigue life prediction of lattice structures using a strain-life method based on an equivalent solid model. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, 237(7) [pdf]

  6. Gungor, U.O., Memu, F., Gorguluarslan, R.M., Hamat, B.A. and Durlu, N., (2023) Variation in the properties of Ti-6Al-4V alloys fabricated by electron beam melting due to build plate location. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 125, 1457-1476. [pdf]

  7. Paygozar, B. and Gorguluarslan, R.M., (2023) Investigating Failure Behavior of Adhesive Joints with Dissimilar Materials of Steel and Additively Manufactured PLA. Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 76(11), 3041-3048. [pdf]

  8. Gorguluarslan, R.M., Ates, G.C., Gungor, O.U., and Yamaner, Y., (2022) Strut Diameter Uncertainty Prediction by Deep Neural Network for Additively Manufactured Lattice Structures. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 22(3), 031001. [pdf]

  9. Gorguluarslan, R.M., Gungor, O.U., Yıldız, S., Erem, E., Energy absorption behavior of stiffness optimized graded lattice structures fabricated by material extrusion. Meccanica, 56, 2825–2841 (2021). [pdf]

  10. Ates, G.C., Gorguluarslan, R.M., (2021) Two-stage convolutional encoder-decoder network to improve the performance and reliability of deep learning models for topology optimization. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 63, 1927-1950. [pdf]

  11. McKeand, A.M., Gorguluarslan, R.M., Choi, S.K., (2021) Stochastic analysis and validation under aleatory and epistemic uncertainties. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 205, 107258. [pdf]

  12. Gorguluarslan, R.M., (2021) Multi-objective design optimization of additively manufactured lattice structures for improved energy absorption performance. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 236(1), 3-15. [pdf]

  13. Gorguluarslan, R.M., (2021) Determining geometric bounds used in lattice structure design and optimization based on additive manufacturing constraints. Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 36 (2), 607-626. [pdf]

  14. Gungor, O.U. and Gorguluarslan, R.M., (2020) Experimental characterization of spatial variability for random field modeling on struts of additively manufactured lattice structures. Additive Manufacturing, 36, 101471. [pdf]

  15. Nawafleh, N., Elibol, F.K.E., Aljaghtham, M., Oflaz, E., Ciciriello, A.J., Dumont, C.M., Dauer, E., Gorguluarslan, R.M., Demir, T. ve Celik, E., (2020) Static and dynamic mechanical performance of short Kevlar fiber reinforced composites fabricated via direct ink writing. Journal of Materials Science, 55, 11284-11295. [pdf]

  16. Hwang, S., Gorguluarslan, R.M., Choi, H.J. and Choi, S.K., (2020) Integration of Dimension Reduction and Uncertainty Quantification in Designing Stretchable Strain Gauge Sensor. Applied Sciences, 10(2), p.643. [pdf]

  17. McKeand, A.M., Gorguluarslan, R.M., Brown, J. and Choi, S.K., (2019) Multiscale Modeling of Turbine Engine Component under Manufacturing Uncertainty. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 19(4), 041017. [pdf]

  18. Gorguluarslan, R. M., Grandhi, R.V., Choi, H.J., and Choi, S.K., (2019) Prediction Assessment and Validation of Multiscale Models for Additively Manufactured Lattice Structures under Uncertainty. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 33(3), 1365-1379. [pdf]

  19. Gorguluarslan, R. M., Choi, S.K., and Saldana J.C., (2017) Uncertainty Quantification and Validation of 3D Scaffolds for Computer-Aided Tissue Engineering. Journal of Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 71, 428-440. [pdf]

  20. Gorguluarslan, R. M., Gandhi, U. N., Song, Y., and Choi, S.-K., (2017) An Improved Lattice Structure Design Optimization Framework Considering Additive Manufacturing Constraints. Rapid Prototyping Journal, 23(2), 305-319. [pdf]

  21. Gorguluarslan, R. M., Park, S. I., Rosen, D. W., and Choi, S. K., (2015) A Multilevel Upscaling Method for Material Characterization of Additively Manufactured Part under Uncertainties. Journal of Mechanical Design, 137(11), 111701. [pdf]

  22. Choi, S. K., Gorguluarslan, R. M., Park, S. I., Stone, T., Moon, J. K., and Rosen, D. W., (2015) Simulation Based Uncertainty Quantification for Additively Manufactured Cellular Structures. Journal of Electronic Materials, 44(10), 4035-4041. [pdf]

  23. Gorguluarslan, R. M., Gandhi, U. N., Mandapati, R., and Choi, S. K., (2015) Design and Fabrication of Periodic Lattice-based Cellular Structures. Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 13(1), 50-62. [pdf]

  24. Gorguluarslan, R. M., and Choi, S. K., (2014) A Simulation-based Upscaling Technique for Multiscale Modeling of Engineering Systems under Uncertainty. International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, 12(6), 549-566. [pdf]

  25. Gorguluarslan, R. M., Kim, E. S., Choi, S. K., and Choi, H. J. (2014) Reliability Estimation of Washing Machine Spider Assembly via Classification. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 72(9-12), 1581-1591. [pdf]

Journal Publications
Conference Publications 


29. Gorguluarslan, R.M., Gungor, O.U., Karabiyik, H., Evaluation of Differences Between FEA Predictions with Geometric Variations and Tensile Tests of Strut Specimens of Lattice Structures Fabricated by Material Extrusion, Proceedings of the ASME 2021 International Mechanical engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2021, November 1-5, 2021, Online, Virtual, USA.​​

28. Ates, G.C., Demirtunç, M., Göçer, A.C., Doğru, A.H., Gorguluarslan, R.M., Gökdağ, İ., Yavaş, H., Design of a 3D Aerospace Bracket using Lattice Structures and Topology Optimization for Additive Manufacturing, Proceedings of the ASME 2021 International Mechanical engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2021, November 1-5, 2021, Online, Virtual, USA,


27. Gorguluarslan, R.M., Ates, G.C., Gungor, O.U., Yamaner, Y., Strut Diameter Uncertainty Prediction by Deep Neural Network For Additively Manufactured Lattice Structures, Proceedings of the ASME 2021 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Information in Engineering Conference, IDETC/CIE 2021, August 17-20, 2021, Online, Virtual, USA.

26. Demir, G., Gorguluarslan, R.M., Aradağ, S., A Multi-objective Robust Aircraft Wing Shape Optimization Approach, AIAA Aviation Forum, 2021,

25. Gorguluarslan, R.M., Gungor, O.U., Investigation of Spatial Variability on Strut Diameters of Additively Manufactured Lattice Structures, Proceedings of the ASME 2020 International Mechanical engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2020, November 16-19, 2020, Online, Virtual, USA.

24. Özay, A.İ., Görgülüarslan, R.M., Kafes Yapılı Malzemelerde Gerinim Tabanlı Yorulma Ömrü Hesabı, Uluslararası Bilimsel Araştırmalar ve Yenilikçi Çalışmalar Sempozyumu, Şubat 22-25, 2021.

23. Sonmez, Z., Görgülüarslan, R.M., Relative Density and Homogenized Property Relationship of Lattice Structures to Use in Topology Optimization, 6th International Congress on Engineering, Architecture, and Design, December 17-18, 2020.

22. Karademir, A.M., Gorguluarslan, R.M., Analysis of the Effect of Geometrical Parameters to Vibration Isolation in Lattice Structures with Negative Poisson’s Ratio. International Conference on Engineering & Natural Sciences, June 12-14, 2020, Ankara-Turkey, pp. 45-54.


21. Ersoy, S.C., Gorguluarslan, R.M., Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Process Parameters of Fused Filament Fabrication on the Efficient Elastic Material Properties of the Lattice Structures Produced, International Conference on Engineering & Natural Sciences, June 12-14, 2020, Ankara, Turkey, pp. 57-69.

20. Gorguluarslan, R.M., Demirkiran, S., Doğal Parçacıklı Silindirik Harp Başlıklarının Patlamasının SPH Yöntemi ile Modellenmesi, International Conference on Engineering & Natural Sciences, June 12-14, 2020, Ankara-Turkey, pp. 55-56.

19. Nawafleh, N., Chabot, J., Aljaghtam, M., Oztan, C., Dauer, E., Gorguluarslan, R.M., Demir, T. and Celik, E.,. Additive manufacturing of Kevlar reinforced epoxy composites. In ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 2019, November (Vol. 59377, p. V02AT02A067),


18. Gorguluarslan, R.M., Gungor, O.U., Erem, E., Yıldız, S., Investigation of energy absorption behavior of stiffness optimized lattice structures, Additive Manufacturing Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, October 17-18, 2019.

17. Barutcu, A., Gorguluarslan, R.M., (2019) A parametric modeling approach for the prediction of load distribution due to fluid structure interaction on aircraft structures. In Proceedings of the ASME 2019 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. Anaheim, CA, USA. August 18-21, 2019

16. McKeand, A.M., Gorguluarslan, R.M., Choi, S.K., (2019) Stochastic simulation of turbine engine component under aleatory and epistemic uncertainty. In Proceedings of the ASME 2019 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences  Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. Anaheim, CA, USA. August 18-21, 2019,

15. Gorguluarslan, R.M., Güngör, O.U., Yıldız, S., Erem, E., “Lattice-based crashbox design by discrete topology optimization for 3D printing”, 4th International Congress on 3D Printing (Additive Manufacturing) Technologies and Digital Industry, Antalya, Turkey, April 11-14, 2019, 170-180. ISBN: 978-975-96797-3-6.

14. Uzel, S., Gorguluarslan, R.M., (2019), “Design of Customized Mouthguards for 3D printing using a parametric modeling methodology. 4th International Congress on 3D Printing (Additive Manufacturing) Technologies and Digital Industry. Antalya, Turkey, April 11-14, 2019, 160-169. ISBN: 978-975-96797-3-6.

13. McKeand, A.M., Gorguluarslan, R.M., Choi, S.K., (2018) “A Stochastic Approach for Performance Prediction of Aircraft Engine Components Under Manufacturing Uncertainty.” In Proceedings of the ASME 2018 IDETC/CIE Conference, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. DOI:10.1115/DETC2018-85415.

12. Gorguluarslan, R.M., Aksoy, S.T., Turnacılar, T., Koksal, A. F., (2018) “Design of a Quadcopter Arm for Additive Manufacturing using Optimization and Lattice Structures.” In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Machine Design and Production, Eskisehir, Turkey. [link]

11. Serin, G., Unver, H.O., Gorguluarslan, R.M., Kosumcu, S. S., (2018) “Design and Fabrication of Large-Size FFF Printer.” In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Machine Design and Production, Eskisehir, Turkey. [link]


10. Gorguluarslan, R. M., Choi, S.K., and Choi, H.J., (2017) “Uncertainty Quantification and Validation of Lattice Structures Fabricated by Selective Laser Melting”, In Proceedings of the ASME 2017 IDETC/CIE Conference, Cleveland, OH. DOI: 10.1115/DETC2017-67438.


9. Gorguluarslan, R. M., and Choi, S. K., (2016) “A Validation Approach for the Multiscale Modeling of Additively Manufactured Lattice Structures.” In Proceedings of the ASME 2016 IDETC/CIE Conference, Charlotte, NC. DOI:10.1115/DETC2016-60169.


8. Hwang, S., Gorguluarslan, R.M., Choi, S.-K., Min J., and Moon, J. (2016) J., “Reliability Estimation of Stretchable Electronics using a Dimensionality Reduction Framework.” In Proceedings of the ASME 2016 IDETC/CIE Conference, Charlotte, NC. DOI: 10.1115/DETC2016-59995.


7. Gorguluarslan, R. M., Park, S. I., Rosen, D. W., and Choi, S. K., (2015) “Material Characterization of Additively Manufactured Part via Multi-Level Stochastic Upscaling Method.” In Proceedings of the ASME 2015 IDETC/CIE Conference, Boston, MA. DOI:10.1115/DETC2015-46822. [pdf]


6. Gorguluarslan, R. M., Gandhi, U. N., Mandapati, R., and Choi, S. K., (2015) “A Design and Fabrication Framework for Periodic Lattice-based Cellular Structures in Additive Manufacturing.” In Proceedings of the ASME 2015 IDETC/CIE Conference, Boston, MA. DOI:10.1115/DETC2015-46830.  [pdf]


5. Gandhi, U. N., Gorguluarslan, R. M., Song, Y., and Mandapati, R. (2015) “Designing Lattice Structures for 3D Printing,” In Proceedings of SPE&ACCE Conference, Novi, MI, USA. [link] [pdf]


4. Gorguluarslan, R. M., and Choi, S. K. (2014). “An Improved Stochastic Upscaling Method for Multiscale Engineering Systems.” In Proceedings of the ASME 2014 IDETC/CIE Conference, Buffalo, NY, USA. DOI:10.1115/DETC2014-34418. [pdf]


3. Gorguluarslan, R. M., and Choi, S. K. (2013). “Predicting Reliability of Structural Systems Using Classification Method.” In Proceedings of the ASME 2013 IDETC/CIE Conference, Portland, OR, USA. DOI:10.1115/DETC2013-13323[pdf]


2. Sözen, L., Guler, M.A., Görgülüarslan, R.M., and Kaplan, E.M., (2010) “Prediction of Springback in CNC Tube Bending Process Based on Forming Parameters.” 11th International LS-DYNA Users Conference, Detroit, MI. USA. [link]


1. Guler, M.A., Sözen, L., Görgülüarslan, R.M., Kaplan, E.M., (2010), “Investigation On Deformation Characteristics Of Rotary Draw Tube Bending And Roll Bending Operations.” 5th Automotive Technologies Congress, Bursa, Turkey. [link]


TUBITAK 3501 Project Publications

Journal Articles

5. Gorguluarslan, R.M., Ates, G.C., Utku Gungor, O. and Yamaner, Y., 2022. Strut Diameter Uncertainty Prediction by Deep Neural Network for Additively Manufactured Lattice Structures. ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 22(3): 031001. [pdf]

4. Gorguluarslan, R.M., Gungor, O.U., Yıldız, S., Erem, E., 2021 Energy absorption behavior of stiffness optimized graded lattice structures fabricated by material extrusion. Meccanica, 56, 2825–2841. [pdf]

3. Gorguluarslan, R.M., 2021. Determining geometric bounds used in lattice structure design and optimization based on additive manufacturing constraints. Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 36 (2), pp.607-626.​ [pdf]

2. Gungor, U.O., Gorguluarslan, R.M., (2020) "Experimental characterization of spatial variability for random field modeling on struts of additively manufactured lattice structures." Additive Manufacturing, [pdf]

1. Görgülüarslan, R.M., Güngör, O.U., (2021) “Eklemeli İmalat ile Üretilen Latis Yapılardaki Geometrik Değişimlerin Konuma Bağlı İstatistiksel Modellenmesi”, Makina Tasarım ve İmalat Dergisi, 19 (1), pp. 41-52. [pdf]

Conference Proceedings

1. Gorguluarslan, R.M., Gungor, O.U., Karabiyik, H., Evaluation of Differences Between FEA Predictions with Geometric Variations and Tensile Tests of Strut Specimens of Lattice Structures Fabricated by Material Extrusion, Proceedings of the ASME 2021 International Mechanical engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2021, November 1-5, 2021, Online, Virtual, USA.​​

2. Gorguluarslan, R.M., Ates, G.C., Gungor, O.U., Yamaner, Y., Strut Diameter Uncertainty Prediction by Deep Neural Network For Additively Manufactured Lattice Structures, Proceedings of the ASME 2021 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Information in Engineering Conference, IDETC/CIE 2021, August 17-20, 2021, Online, Virtual, USA.

3. Gorguluarslan, R.M., Gungor, O.U., Investigation of Spatial Variability on Strut Diameters of Additively Manufactured Lattice Structures, Proceedings of the ASME 2020 International Mechanical engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2020, November 16-19, 2020, Online, Virtual, USA.


2. Choi, S. K., Al-Zahrani, M., Gorguluarslan, R. M., "Patient Specific Lattice Scaffolds for Surgical Implants." US Patent Filed through GTRC, 2018.


1. Meingast, H. Gorguluarslan, R. M., Gandhi, U. Pinkelman, B. J., (2018) Lattice based Seat Cushion to Improve Comfort and Vibration Isolation, US Patent Application Number: US20180312086A1. [link]

TOBB University of Economics and Technology

Mechanical Engineering Department

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