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I graduated from Mechanical Engineering at TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Turkey in 2010. In my senior year, I have been awarded with Fulbright Scholarship to pursue my PhD in the US starting in 2011. I have studied in the Master's program in Mechanical Engineering at TOBB ETU for one year as a research and teaching assistant between Aug 2010 and June 2011 in the area of crash simulations of an automobile. 


I started my PhD education in Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technolgoy in Aug 2011. I received my PhD degree in December 2016. My PhD study was about developing a multi-level upscaling and validation approach for uncertainty quantification in additively manufactured lattice structures. 

In 2017, I worked at the Georgia Institute of Technology as a post-doctorate researcher in the project of developing an automated railway design approach of seats that can climb stairs.  supported by ThsyennKrupp.

On January 2018, I started working as an Assistant Professor at TOBB University of Economics and Technology in Anakra / Turkey. Since November 2022, I have been working as an Associate Professor. 

For more information about me, you can download my CV using the following link:



Multiscale Modeling


2011 - Present

Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering

Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA

Optimization for Design


Uncertainty Quantification


Computational Solid Mechanics


2010 - 2011

Research and Teaching Assistant in Mechanical Engineering

TOBB University of Economics and Technology

Ankara, Turkey

2005 - 2010

B.S. in Mechanical Engineering

TOBB University of Economics and Technology

Ankara, Turkey

2006 - 2010

B.S. in Business Administration (Distance Learning) 

Anadolu University

Eskisehir, Turkey

Additive Manufacturing

TOBB University of Economics and Technology

Mechanical Engineering Department

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© 2018 by Recep Muhammet Gorguluarslan

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